Austentatious – McEwan Hall

Produced by Show and Tell Group

Review by Mhairi Sime

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The tenth year of Austentatious at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is marked by a dependably talented cast and entertaining storytelling.

Show and Tell presents a completely improvised tale daily, in the tone of Jane Austen, with each show as a previously untold (and never to be told again) novel. The extent of the audience interaction is limited to the initial suggestions of novel titles after which the cast takes the idea and creates a tale.

Whether elaborately naming and dressing up imaginary livestock, espousing the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle or eating a black pudding top hat, the story veers rapidly from the Austen style, only brought back to the intended era by the setting of a ball or wedding.

The cast begins to develop interesting characterisation as the story progresses, with some unexpected twists along the way, however, repetitive puns and slapstick moments ensure that the story never delved too deep. The cast is quick to adapt, both to the suggested story and the direction their cast mates took the plot, working well together and volleying jokes back and forth.

The show felt appropriately paced, which is often a struggle of an improvised play. Accompanying the cast is a single violin, which succeeds in emphasising tense moments with their own impressive improvisation. The set, while minimal, was underutilised, with the cast often miming the required props and the occasional cow/table.

For Austen fans and improv fans alike, Austentatious is a must-see experience but make sure you come prepared with your novel title!

A Must-See

Austentatious runs at McEwan Hall on August 9th-13th at 13.30pm
Suitable for ages 12+
Running time – sixty minutes without interval

Tickets: £17.00 (Con. available)

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